Friday, August 20, 2010

What's New?

Well..hmmm...lots. Shall we start individually?  Youngest goes first...

Trent - He is 16 months old now and has all of his teeth. He can say many things, but usually only in front of me. Sometimes to Paul. But here's the short list, "mama", "dada", "no", "pee", "ew", "what's that?", "who's that?", "woof", "meow", "need", "hi", "boo", "water", "tree", "one, two, three". Trent loves tickling, growling, using different voices to be different "characters", like Batman, and just loves doing whatever the Big Boys are doing. Oh! And he's walking. Yes, folks, that's right. On August 17th Trent walked from one end of the house to other all by himself!  And yes, he is still happily breastfed. :)

Kade - Has a vocabularly that is growing a mile a minute. He will also be starting speech therapy next month, so that everyone can understand his hundreds of new words. During his evaluation we found out just how smart he is and let's just say he can comprehend the same as those who are twice his age. Which reminds me, Kade is 3 1/2 next month. He is a pro-tricycle rider and I think he's ready for a big boy bike with training wheels. He loves to draw (just look at the walls!) and is doing great at tracing his name and numbers. He can recite our address and has an amazing imagination. Kade is my superhero.

Braxton - He is 5 3/4. And if you say anything else you are going to hear about it. He reads well and does simple math well. Braxton loves riding his scooter, flying paper airplanes, and has a current interest in origami. He has lost his bottom front baby teeth and the adult teeth are almost all the way in. It seems as though Braxton has lost his interest in Bionicles, which is big, since for about a year or more he would only eat, sleep, and breath Bionicles.

Paul and Kimberly - I suppose the biggest new change in our life though would be spiritual. Since the end of May, Paul, the boys, and I have been going to church together. Yes, it's true. My path down the wiccan road has come to an end. I am proud to announce that I have found my way back to "the church". I am a Latter Day Saint and very, very happy. Paul and I were recently endowed. That in and of itself was wonderful. And quickly arriving, on our 7th wedding anniversary and my 25th birthday, Paul and I will be sealed to one another and our children to become an eternal family. Our lives have become filled with happiness, hope, love, and peace. Choosing to live by the gospel has truly been a blessing to our home.

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