Friday, May 28, 2010

The Giant Robot by Kade

Once upon a time there was a big giant. And big and mean. The the big, mean giant stomp at me. And I want him to stop stomping at me so I stomp back. (Stomp, stomp, stomp) The nice giant has to be here somewhere! He's coming! I hear it! Then the nice giant get big, big, bigger. Then the giant get small, small, smaller, like me! Then I push the red button and he starts flying. Then he start flying faster. The the nice, big giant turned into a robot. And a red button on top of the nice giant's head make the robot go up and down. Then I press the button on the nice giant robot and make him stop flying. Then I press the red button on top of the nice giant robot and he flies forever and ever and ever. And then the robot fall and me catch it and me hold it and that nice of me! And me let go of it and me catch it with my hand and then I smash it. And then the robot walk on his feet.

                                                                   The End

1 comment:

  1. LOve it! And I didn't know you had a blog! Yea!

